love making jam. It seems magical to be able to put in a jar that spare fruit to
enjoy it during the coming months. Even more comforting if you've grown the
fruit yourself. Unfortunately, that is not the case this time. I bought the
strawberries at the market, taking advantage of the price.
jam recipes state the same weight of sugar as of fruit, but with half the sugar
it is sweet enough and healthier.
kg of strawberries
kg sugar
thoroughly and cut the strawberries into slices. Place them in a bowl alternating
layers of strawberries and sugar. Sprinkle with lemon juice and leave in the
fridge overnight.
this time, put them to cook in a pot, stirring occasionally to prevent
sticking. After about 20-30 minutes, the jam should be ready. To check this,
you can drop a teaspoon of jam on a plate that will have been in the fridge for
a while. This way you can see the consistency that reaches the jam when cooled.
store, distribute it while still hot (hey, not boiling!) in previously
sterilized glass jars (I use a baby bottle sterilizer). You must completely
fill the jars, place lids and put them upside down. This way we get the jars
vacuum sealed and the jam will keep longer.